1969   Willy Brandt
Willy Brandt
Minister for Foreign Affairs and later on Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

of Germany

After this unique artistic and scientific adventure at the Himalayas the composer withdrew completely from public music life – from all musical activity that was outwardly directed and aimed at public success – in order to contemplate in peace the newly acquired knowledge and motivations, to scientifically and artistically evaluate them and, on this basis, to plan further international research trips to the great music traditions of the world.
Offer to finance a research & development program in meditation & yoga in India with the world famous Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – via the Foreign Office under the Minister Willy Brandt (at the time of the grand coalition).

The composer decided to accept the Government's offer for this politically fundamental study and research trip to Asia and, for this reason, postponed for an unspecified time all further negotiations in respect of concert & opera performances and lecturing activities.